Tuesday, 18 April 2006
The Great Kiva Migration pt. 2 - Transition
I am exhausted.
For the past week I've been staying up until 5AM writing code and getting an architectural framework in place so that Kiva's development can continue to scale. Matt and I have done so much work it's hard to even remember what we've accomplished. Here's a short list that is by no means complete:
- Switched our version control tool from CVS to Subversion
- Set up a new set of domains at Dreamhost (our most excellent hosting service)
- Migrated the database to a new schema that could definitely beat up the old one
- Fixed about 100 bugs
- Ate Zante's Indian pizza and drank a lot of beer
After all that and much more, I'm proud to announce the new release of Kiva! If you haven't checked it out yet, now's definitely the time. We've made a lot of changes, and I think the site is looking pretty good. Also, I'd love to hear what you think of it. Anything confusing? Anything you really like? Anything you really hate? Anything broken (please god, no)? Any and all feedback would be most welcome.
Tomorrow afternoon Fiona, Matt, Premal and I are heading down to LA for USC's Microfinance and Beyond conference. I wasn't going to go - I'm still pretty nervous about the new website and I was going to hang back in case of emergency - but Fiona and Matt talked me into it. The lineup is really good too. Pretty much all of the big names will be there (including rockstar microfinancier Muhammad Yunus).
We're going to make the seven hour drive for what I'm sure will be a great conference, but the whole time I'll just be silently praying that the new website doesn't break. Wish me luck.
Posted by flow Frazao on April 18, 2006 at 12:39 AM in Kiva/VEF | Permalink
The site looks rad.
And, for my money, Kiva is more innovative than anything Yunus/Grameen has done in a looong time. Dude talks a good game about the internet but you guys are making stuff happen.
Posted by: Robin | Apr 18, 2006 1:32:10 PM