Sunday, 23 April 2006
Living With War
In case you haven't heard, Neil Young has a new album coming out that's entirely dedicated to George W. Bush. The first single is called "Impeach the President".
“This talk about a 9/11 mentality. No one, George Bush or anyone else, owns the 9/11 mentality. It belongs to the United States of America. It belongs to everyone who was sitting there with their family, watching those buildings get hit by those jets. It belongs to George Bush and his family, it belongs to John Kerry and his family, it belongs to me and my family, my American family. I have a post 9/11 mentality. It’s just not the same as George Bush’s.”
Posted by flow Frazao on April 23, 2006 at 04:17 AM in America, Current Affairs, US News, War on Terra | Permalink
If only he were more musically pertinent today -- I'll check it out, but musically, I am suspicious. Though not dedicated works, I recommend various anti-war anti-Bush Jay Farrar and/or Son Volt ditties. The real excitement will come when some mainstreamers get together and host a LiveProtest album. Of course, that music will have dubious quality as well.
Posted by: Stinkie | Apr 24, 2006 9:35:47 AM