Tuesday, 15 February 2005

Fuck Windows

For those of you who've been reading this site for a while, you know that about 6 months ago I jumped the fence from 10 years of Windows-based computing. In over 10 years of hardcore computing (yeah bitch I said hardcore, the best thing I've done so far is to buy a Mac.

My father-in-law just bought a brand new computer, and I've been working on it for the past 5 days. I have yet to be able to coax this piece of shit into maintaining an internet connection for more than ten minutes straight. First it wouldn't accept a wireless card (my mac was signed onto the wireless network without having to even touch it), then I discovered it was infected by the Rbot worm, and now the Winsock settings keep getting corrupted.

Keep in mind, I have a degree in Computer Science from prestigious Hofstra University. I'm no chump. When it comes to software, I'm Mr. Miyagi.

It's just a matter of time before people realize that Windows is an asslicking nippletwister of a sorry excuse for an operating system. Users have already started abandoning the Internet Explorer browser in droves and downloading Firefox for free. I predict a mass exodus from Windows will be next. One day soon people will realize there's absolutely no reason to spend 3 hours per week performing ridiculous maintenance jobs when they could be sitting back and actually enjoying the computing experience with a Mac.

Posted by flow Frazao on February 15, 2005 at 01:40 AM in Web/Tech | Permalink


I've been computing since before AOL; remember BBSs? Anyway, I finally abandoned MS for Linux 6 months ago. I bought SuSE Linux 8.2 for $10 and I love it. I have to work at it, but I love it. When someone I know crashes in WinDoesNot, I load Win98 for them because they don't want to work at it. At least Win98 is OK.

Posted by: mjr | Feb 19, 2005 12:39:50 AM

Yeah, Win98 is OK, but it's an OS that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Fewer and fewer software apps are being ported to Win98, and for hardware it's even worse. Good luck getting a 3D graphics card with drivers for 98.

As for Linux, my experiences with it have been OK. The OS itself is rock solid but the GUI is kind of old-school and I'm sorry, but the software for Linux is abysmal. OpenOffice was practically unusable for me.

Mac seems to have nailed the best of all possible worlds. It has the stability of Linux combined with the application breadth of Windows and the futuriscally "lickable" GUI of OS X.

But it ain't cheap. $10 won't get you very far at all.

Posted by: smooveJ | Feb 22, 2005 6:29:36 AM

Man your right Fuck windows, it was a piece of shit every since it was created, man why do you stupid people buy anything with windows on it.. damn it, you want to keep dealing w/ the samebullshit over and over again deal with virus, spyware and all kinds of bullshit that you can't understand but your still buying windows, what's wrong w/ you stupid people, windows is a a piece of shit, the only good operating system is mac os x, yeap that's probably the best decision i ever made in my entire fucken life.

Posted by: Jerry Calaway | Mar 31, 2005 11:54:41 PM

well the only reason people are buying windows based machines is
A) have any of you tried to mod a mac?
B) windows is like a ford and mac is a ferrari....a ferrari that only runs on 20% of the roads

C) err lets stick with A and B for now (cant think of any more excuces for peoples stipidity...i run a mac, windows and linux...

Posted by: teh fence | May 4, 2005 6:17:23 PM

I'm so tired of people bitching about windows because of its susceptibility to spyware and viruses. By their very nature, viruses have to be executed to run on a system that doesn't have them in the first place. Unless we're talking about ocx viruses and IE vulnerabilities that allow remote code execution without the user downloading anything / installing plugins. There's an easy solution for that: use something Mozilla-based and get rid of IE.

As for the rest of you assholes, stop sticking your dick in the fire and complaining when it gets burned! It's really easy to stay virus free, and all it entails is refraining from trying to get goddamn poker games without paying for them. "oooh, MS Hearts isn't good enough, I want the VIRUS edition!" "What's WildTangent?? LOOKS FUN!" Just becuase it's easier to hack a windows infrastructure doesn't mean that it's an inevitability. I've used every version if Windows since 3.1 and I've had just ONE virus since then that I didn't want.

Oh, and one more thing. Would people spend all their time trying to develop viruses for Macs if they knew that 85% percent of the crowd was using windows with IE?

When you get right down to it, windows is more powerful, more versatile, catered both to the dumbasses and the experts, has a wide range of hardware support (without having to write your own driver, Linux people) and it runs your shitty iPod. If you like the Tiger UI so much, DOWNLOAD THE MAC SKIN FOR WINDOWS.

"But Mac's will run windows, Windows can't run Mac OS" So what? That's just because you can't run the cool software with your computer. And Windows will emulate Macs... in fact you can run Windows within Windows within Windows with Virtual PC.

Some stuff they've done has sucked security-wise, but if you don't know how to use it, don't use it. You don't drive a car without a license.

Posted by: Staticfive | May 6, 2006 4:20:32 PM

Man, you got it pegged. I'm typing this on a macbook (I'm in windows under boot camp just to show my friends..) but windows is just fucking terrible. I don't understand how anyone can still put up with windows, when I go from powered off to desktop in about 15 seconds on my mac, and have yet to have a program freeze or anything. People, if you're tired of fixing your computer everyday and would actually like to enjoy computing once again, please, do yourself and the world a favor and buy a mac.

Posted by: forgiste | Jun 4, 2006 12:28:00 AM

Fuck windows update. up to date shit yeah...

Posted by: ino | Jun 5, 2006 9:33:03 AM

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