Thursday, 12 January 2006
Weird Earls
- An absolutely amazing photo of a victim of Holoprosencephaly
- Flying anywhere this year? If so, get yo travel on wif GhettoDelta. Bitchez be flyin like a muthafucka. (thx to Josh for the link)
- Only 24 percent of Americans think being overweight is unattractive. In other news, 76 percent of US population is now considered morbidly obese.
- Researchers say recordable CDs have a maximum lifetime of 5 years. And you all laughed when I bought stock in Cuneiform Tablets, Inc. Who's the tech visionary now?
- Black Sergeant was 'Loyal Klansman'
About 25 years ago, Ron Stallworth was asked to lead the Ku Klux Klan chapter in Colorado Springs. Problem was, the outgoing Klan leader didn't know that Stallworth is black.
Posted by flow Frazao on January 12, 2006 at 04:29 PM in Weird Earls | Permalink
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