Sunday, 17 July 2005


Well, Japan, it's been real. I'm sitting in the airport writing this post over Osaka's free wireless network. How cool is that?

We're leaving on July 17 at around 5 PM. We'll be in the air for around 11 hours, and we'll be landing at 11 AM on July 17. We'll arrive before we depart. The International Date Line is a hell of a thing.

In case you can't tell from my incoherent rambling, I'm absolutely exhausted. It's been an intense couple of months, and I can't wait to get home. In less than a week my entire family will all be hanging out at Laguna Beach. I couldn't think of a better thing to come back to.

I can't believe I almost forgot - last night we stayed in a capsule hotel! It was so cool - just like sleeping in a morgue except you get a TV and it's not as cold.

Wow, I'm looking around at my fellow passengers on this flight to LA and it's quite a crew. I see one tremendously fat girl with the most impressive camel toe I've seen since I left the states. To my left is a Thai Buddhist monk in orange robes. He hasn't made a move for my penis yet - maybe it's because I have my laptop in a strategic position. To my right is an 8 year old kid who's flipping between a spot-on American accent and what I can only imagine is perfect Japanese. Lucky punk.

But most importantly, I don't see any babies. Praise Allah for small favors.

OK, boarding call. Catch you on the flip side.

Posted by flow Frazao on July 17, 2005 at 03:39 AM in Japan | Permalink


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