Saturday, 09 October 2004
Bush Goes Mental
I couldn't believe it last night when Bush started yelling at the moderator (windows/mac). No wonder the guy was in such a hurry to start dropping bombs - his anger management skills suck.
And just in case you missed it, George W. Bush does, in fact, own a timber company:
In fact, according to his 2003 financial disclosure form, Bush does own part interest in "LSTF, LLC", a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales."
So Bush was wrong to suggest that he doesn't have ownership of a timber company. And Kerry was correct in saying that Bush's definition of "small business" is so broad that Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business" in 2001 by virtue of the $84 in business income.
From (the site Dick Cheney tried to refer voters to a few days ago).
Posted by flow Frazao on October 9, 2004 at 11:45 AM in Scary Bush | Permalink
you people who voted for bush should be ashamed of could the american population vote in a man who is as dangerous as him.he is a complete will regret your decision as time goes by. when the country goes to hell, and people cant feed or support there familys.and the rich get richer and the poor can go to hell he dont care.after all the mess we are in now is going to get worse.his only religeon is power and war. get our troops out and let iraq take care of itself.
Posted by: kathy wolard | Nov 3, 2004 11:01:35 PM
God help us we need it now.we have a idiot as our commandr and are a crazy and dangerous man bush,you need to go back to texas and let someone else run the country.a monkey could do a better job.
Posted by: kathy wollard | Nov 3, 2004 11:09:17 PM
Amen, sister. I couldn't have put it better myself.
Posted by: smooveJ | Nov 4, 2004 10:41:45 AM
it was a sad day when bush got put back in the whitehouse,but it's a sad day are so hard to find,iam losing my home because i cant find employment.iam a single female in her 40"S AND I CANT FIND A JOB so i can support myself thats you jackasses who voted for bush think it is going to get any better NO it is not. i would not wish this fate on anyone.its going to be a long4 years i can tell you that.ia'm not the only one who will be losing their home either.i hope for change ,but dont expect my opinion this is a very dark time were living in.i pray for all of us.God bless all of you who are suffering like me.
Posted by: kathy wollard | Dec 1, 2004 9:15:40 PM
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