Thursday, 26 August 2004

Clock in New York's Times Square Counts War Cost

Just in time for the RNC:

"A giant clock ticking the cost of the war in Iraq lit up in Times Square on Wednesday, making its debut by flashing $134.5 billion.

The amount on the clock will grow at a rate of $177 million a day, $7.4 million an hour and $122,820 per minute, said the advocacy group Project Billboard which put it up.


"Just think of the things you could do with that money," said tour guide Farah Perez. "No way am I voting for Bush."

The message may not reach everyone, however, as the clock sits above a much larger billboard of a woman wearing nothing but a pair of sneakers.

"First I saw the other billboard, but then I saw the cost of the Iraq war and the number took my breath away," said passerby Greg Boris. "Then I went back to looking at the other billboard.

"That money should be spent here in the United States," he added.

Posted by flow Frazao on August 26, 2004 at 08:39 AM in War on Terra | Permalink


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