Monday, 30 August 2004

Bikes Against Bush Creator Arrested Before He Even Gets To Use The Bike


Bikesagainstbush creator Joshua Kinberg was arrested while taping an interview with MSNBC's Ron Reagan in Manhattan Saturday afternoon.

Kinberg was stopped by police while demonstrating the bicycle for the television interview. His bicycle is a high-tech graffiti writer, using chalk to print anti-Bush political messages sent by people via the internet. Apparently there was a question of whether or not the sprayed messages were a defacement of property.

When Kinberg showed the police sergeant how the bicycle used a non-permanent spray chalk, the sergeant seemed to agree that it wasn't defacement, at which point Kinberg asked, "am I free to go?" After conferring about it, officers decided to call superiors, then came back moments later to place Kinberg under arrest and confiscate the bicycle.

Kinberg cooperated fully with the officers as he was being handcuffed, only asking, "can I ask what I'm being arrested for?" to which no one provided an answer. As of 11:00 PM Saturday evening, he was still in custody without being charged with anything.

Posted by SmooveJ Zao on August 30, 2004 at 10:46 AM in ReDefeat Bush | Permalink


This guy lives on the same street as someone I know. He's been practicing his art on the sidewalk and the CHALK washes off with one rainfall. It's so fucked up that he was arrested. On another note, I know people that got arrested on Friday night for participating in a bike event, that takes place EVERY month during the full moon. They were just let out this morning. There weren't any more people at this event than normal. Normally, the cops just let them ride. Hmmm....I'm guessing this was our wonderful mayor's way of stating that he won't take any bullshit. Luckily yesterdays mass march, was calm and New Yorkers weren't afraid to show up and speak our minds.

Posted by: Alison | Aug 30, 2004 11:32:38 PM

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