Tuesday, 13 July 2004

Pick Up the Phone, Dammit

A friend of mine just sent me an email reminding me that the FMA is coming up for vote in the Senate tomorrow. Sez she:

"I've read that a phone call is worth 10 emails when congressional aides pass along their inbound contact tallies. spend 45 seconds and make 2 phone calls: note that you are a constituent (not an out-of-stater), and ask them to vote no on the federal "hate" marriage amendment

(scheduled to go up for a vote in the senate tomorrow.)"

Yet another friend told me that he'd recently called his Senator in Virginia and was told that the calls had been coming in like crazy and were five to one in support of the FMA (that's a 5 to 1 majority of people who want to deny homosexuals the right to marry).

Additionally, we are now 15 working days away from the end of the current session of congress and the assault weapon ban is due to expire on September 15 with no effort being made to preserve this popular and reasonable restraint on gun violence.

As Atrios points out, even George W. Bush himself supports the Assault Weapons Ban:

"It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society."
George W. Bush

"The president supports the current [assault weapons ban] law, and he supports reauthorization of the current law."
White House spokesman Scott McClellan
April 2003

Obviously, this is totally unacceptable. Use this handy website to find the phone numbers of your senators and tell them what to do. Please don't let this insane shit slip through the cracks.

(Thanks to the real Ali G for the tip and the Senate link)

Posted by flow Frazao on July 13, 2004 at 04:03 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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