Friday, 21 May 2004

Do They Teach That In Law School?

What the hell:

David Fink, a lawyer who barked like a dog at a
witness during a deposition, has been fined $8,500 for misconduct and
harassment of opponents.
During a deposition in which Kittle [the defendant] was giving sworn
statements on Jan. 16, 2002, he referred to letters he had received
from Fink. He called them threatening, "mad dog lawyer" letters,
according to Kittle's lawyer, Samuel Friedman.
At the continuation of the deposition the next day, Friedman said, Fink
started barking like a dog when Kittle was asked about the letters by
Donald Creadore, the lawyer who had taken over the case from Fink.
Friedman said Fink "behaved in a very mocking manner, making the
witness feel intimidated, speaking over other people and making it
difficult for the court reporter to record much of anything."

Posted by flow Frazao on May 21, 2004 at 01:16 PM | Permalink


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