Thursday, 20 May 2004
Dear Abby
Check out this letter from today's Dear Abby (the most popular and widely syndicated column in the world):
DEAR READERS: I'm still receiving fascinating letters in support of the
13-year-old girl who was ridiculed by her teacher and classmates for
revealing that she'd one day like to be president of the United States.
Read on:
DEAR ABBY: I read the letter from "I Have a Dream" and would like to
offer her encouragement:
DEAR "I HAVE A DREAM": I was touched by your letter to Dear Abby, and I
want you to know that you can become the president of the United States
because of who you are, not in spite of it. I have no doubt a woman
will be president one day, and America would be lucky to have you
leading us every step of the way.
When young people like you express such a desire to make a difference
in people's lives, you should be applauded. Your teacher and your
classmates were wrong to laugh at your dream.
What you already know, but they seem to have forgotten, is that we live
in a country where every child, girl or boy, has an equal chance to
grow up and become president, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a CEO, or
the shopkeeper down the street. That is what makes our country unlike
any place on Earth. Anything is possible.
But to do the things we believe in, we all have to work hard, do our
best, and fight those who do not always believe in us. It is not easy
to ignore their criticism, and it is tough to look beyond their doubts.
But remember, doubters never made America a better place. It is people
like you -- people who dream big and are filled with hope -- who make a
difference in this world.
Always remember that the great thing about America is that you can
become president, and you should never let anyone tell you different.
DEAR SEN. KERRY: To say that you are a busy man these days is an
understatement. That you would still reach out to help a child says
volumes about you as a person.
DEAR READERS: I'm still receiving fascinating letters in support of the
13-year-old girl who was ridiculed by her teacher and classmates for
revealing that she'd one day like to be president of the United States.
Read on:
DEAR ABBY: I read the letter from "I Have a Dream" and would like to
offer her encouragement:
DEAR "I HAVE A DREAM": I was touched by your letter to Dear Abby, and I
want you to know that you can become the president of the United States
because of who you are, not in spite of it. I have no doubt a woman
will be president one day, and America would be lucky to have you
leading us every step of the way.
When young people like you express such a desire to make a difference
in people's lives, you should be applauded. Your teacher and your
classmates were wrong to laugh at your dream.
What you already know, but they seem to have forgotten, is that we live
in a country where every child, girl or boy, has an equal chance to
grow up and become president, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a CEO, or
the shopkeeper down the street. That is what makes our country unlike
any place on Earth. Anything is possible.
But to do the things we believe in, we all have to work hard, do our
best, and fight those who do not always believe in us. It is not easy
to ignore their criticism, and it is tough to look beyond their doubts.
But remember, doubters never made America a better place. It is people
like you -- people who dream big and are filled with hope -- who make a
difference in this world.
Always remember that the great thing about America is that you can
become president, and you should never let anyone tell you different.
DEAR SEN. KERRY: To say that you are a busy man these days is an
understatement. That you would still reach out to help a child says
volumes about you as a person.
Whoever it was on the Kerry campaign who thought to do this gets a gold
star for the day. Just think of how many people in Middle America skip
over the A section and head straight for Dear Abby and the comics. This
is the kind of manuever that sticks in people's heads, and John Kerry
just pulled one off in a big way.
In all fairness, I'm sure George Bush would have written a letter as
well... except that he doesn't read newspapers:
"I don't watch the nightly newscasts on TV, nor do I
watch the endless hours of people giving their opinion about things ...
I don't read the editorial pages; I don't read the columnists." In
fact, Mr. Bush said he barely "skims" four newspapers delivered daily
to the Oval Office.
watch the endless hours of people giving their opinion about things ...
I don't read the editorial pages; I don't read the columnists." In
fact, Mr. Bush said he barely "skims" four newspapers delivered daily
to the Oval Office.
Posted by flow Frazao on May 20, 2004 at 12:15 PM | Permalink
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