Tuesday, 13 April 2004

The Implications Are Endless

Scientists Make "Water" That Doesn't Get Things WetA new chemical concocted by scientists at the Tyco's Fire and Security Division looks and acts just like water except for one thing... it doesn't get things wet. During Tuesday's Good Morning America, a representative of Tyco Fire and Security displayed the amazing properties of the chemical that's called "Sapphire." The chemical has all the firefighting properties of water, yet it will not cause the damage to items that is usually associated with water. As part of a demonstration, Pelton submerged several items into a tank of Sapphire that was on the Good Morning America set. Books did not get wet. Electronics were not be destroyed. Items that were submerged in the liquid were dried in a matter of seconds, and showed no ill effects according to Charles Gibson, Diane Sawyer and other members of the Good Morning America staff who saw items plunged into it.
Wet T-shirt contests will never be the same. No, but seriously, what happens if you put it into a bong? All kidding aside though, if they can invent water that isn't wet, why not just invent fire that doesn't burn? Or an economic recovery without jobs? Or a supreme court justice who's against freedom of the press? I could go on, but I'm sure your mind is already reeling.

Posted by flow Frazao on April 13, 2004 at 10:49 PM | Permalink


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