Tuesday, 13 April 2004
Just to Make Things Absolutely Clear
Dick Cheney is still making money from Halliburton:
Vice President Dick Cheney received $178,437 in
deferred pay last year from Halliburton Co., the Texas oil-field
services company he once headed that has since received billion-dollar
government contracts in Iraq. [...]
Cheney reported $198,600 in vice-presidential salary for the year.
deferred pay last year from Halliburton Co., the Texas oil-field
services company he once headed that has since received billion-dollar
government contracts in Iraq. [...]
Cheney reported $198,600 in vice-presidential salary for the year.
In case you missed it, Cheney is the ex-CEO of Halliburton, a company
that is currently under investigation for overcharging the U.S military
for fuel supplies in Iraq, among other things.
In other words, he's made almost as much from his ties to a
war-profiteering company as he has from the Vice Presidency.
Posted by flow Frazao on April 13, 2004 at 10:28 PM | Permalink
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