Friday, 09 April 2004

Remember This Guy?

Well he hasn't forgotten about us:

North Korea said Friday the standoff over its atomic
ambitions was on the brink of nuclear war as US Vice President Dick
Cheney headed to the region for talks with key Asian allies.
The Stalinist state's official news agency accused Washington of
"driving the military situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of
a nuclear war" with plans for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea.
In the commentary the North Korean news agency said Pyongyang had no
choice but to boost its nuclear weapons drive in the face of US
intransigence and its "moves to put the strategy of pre-emptive nuclear
attack into practice."

Luckily, Dick Cheney's heading over to the Korean peninsula to smooth
things out. Thank God we've sent a calm, reasonable man who has a long history of creating peaceful resolutions to intractable problems.

Oh wait. They mean this Dick Cheney:

Nevermind. We're fucked.

Posted by flow Frazao on April 9, 2004 at 03:03 PM | Permalink


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