Friday, 09 April 2004

Kerry On Iraq

There's been quite a bit of clamoring for John Kerry to make a
statement on the current situation in Iraq. A lot of people see it as a
perfect opportunity to hit Bush early and hard on national security -
his self-declared "greatest strength". Part of me agrees, and would
like nothing more than to see Kerry slam the crap out of Bush for
making what has become an unprecedented foreign policy mistake.
However, this Salon article highlights the rationale behind Kerry's silence:

A Kerry spokesman told Salon on Thursday that it's
incumbent on Bush -- not Kerry -- to address the crisis in Iraq. "What
has the president said about this?" the Kerry spokesman asked. "He
needs to explain what his policy is, what his plan is to address what's
going on right now. But he's been down on his ranch in Crawford. The
spotlight isn't on John Kerry. The spotlight needs to be on Bush. He's
the president, and he's the person who has carved out these policies."

As much as it pains me to see Bush teeter on the edge without
delivering the knockout punch, this strikes me as a very astute
position for Kerry to take. George Bush rushed into this war without
any forethought whatsoever, and the current situation is wholly due to
his rash behavior. By keeping out of the fray, Kerry illustrates that,
he, contrary to Bush, is capable of recognizing a complex problem.
There is no simple solution to the Iraqi mess, and Kerry would be a
fool to pretend otherwise.
Besides, it doesn't really matter what John Kerry would do because he's
not the President yet. As November draws closer it will be necessary
for Kerry to come up with a plan, but for right now all eyes should be
on Bush. George W. Bush is the one responsible for this magnificent
failure of a war. He got us into this, and I for one, would like to see
if he has any ideas on how to get us out.

Posted by flow Frazao on April 9, 2004 at 03:26 PM | Permalink


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