Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Irony at it's finest
GOP Urges Investigation of Voting Machine Performance:
Fairfax County Republicans are urging the county to
investigate the what they call the poor performance of high-tech voting
machines last November.
A report from the county G-O-P committee calls the touch-screen voting
machines used in local elections "a failure," and says and county
officials weren't prepared to deal with the problems.
The party is also recommending state regulations that would require
localities with the new equipment to follow stringent procedures.
The machines were supposed to speed up the reporting process, but
instead they produced one of the slowest vote counts in recent history.
Republicans are also angry that election officials took ten machines
that crashed to the county government center for repairs.
Posted by flow Frazao on January 13, 2004 at 12:32 PM | Permalink
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