Tuesday, 13 January 2004

A busy day in court

A couple of decisions from the Supreme Court today:

  • The Supreme Court held Tuesday that police may set up roadblocks
    to collect tips about unsolved crimes.
    The court overturned a decision by the Illinois Supreme Court, which
    ruled that officers may solicit information from motorists only in an
    emergency. The case involved a man arrested for drunken driving at a
    Lombard, Ill., checkpoint set up to get information about an unrelated
    fatal hit-and-run accident.
    Three justices expressed concerns the ruling could open up motorists to
    police interference without yielding useful information about crimes.
    "There is a valid and important distinction" between seizing a person
    to determine whether he or she has committed a crime and seizing a
    person to ask whether that person "has any information about an unknown
    person who committed a crime a week earlier," wrote Justice John Paul
    Stevens, joined by Justices David H. Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
    The case was a follow-up to a 2000 Supreme Court ruling that roadblocks
    intended for drug searches are an unreasonable invasion of privacy
    under the Constitution.
  • The Supreme Court voted unanimously to restrict when consumers can sue
    over bad telephone service, a victory for regional phone companies.
    In the ruling released Tuesday, the justices held that consumers cannot
    use federal antitrust laws in suits claiming that regional phone
    companies provide substandard service to rivals, which hurts customers
    of those rivals.
    The Bush administration had sought that outcome, arguing that a ruling
    otherwise would open courts to multiple lawsuits accusing the regional
    phone companies of failing to assist their rivals and "could threaten
    substantial disruption of the telecommunications industry."

Posted by flow Frazao on January 13, 2004 at 12:21 PM | Permalink


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