Wednesday, 03 December 2003
What is it with Texas?
I guess executing minors and the mentally retarded isn't enough
for this Texan. Let's hope there aren't more like him gunning for the
capital punishment of those who exercise their First Amendment rights:
I am a United States sailor. I have chosen to defend my
country and the freedom some take for granted. I love my country, my
family, my freedom. Only by the blood which was shed by the service
members before me did we receive this freedom. There are some, though,
who do not appreciate this freedom. I call these people traitors; they
call themselves protesters. They are nothing more than an infectious
disease that infests the minds and hearts of the Americans we are
defending. It consumes the honor and courage within its host until it
kills the very patriotism that made this country.
There is no cure for this disease. Never will everyone be satisfied.
But let it be known what this guardian of America's freedom thinks of
these protesters: Traitors should be hanged. I hold our enemies in
higher standing. At least they are willing to fight for their beliefs
and the country they love.
Sonar Technician Derik L.Jobe
U.S. Navy
I hate to harp on about this sort of thing, but patriotism didn't make this country. Liberalism did. I think Steve Gilliard puts it best:
"If it weren't for liberals, we'd be living in a dark, evil
country, far worse than anything Bush could conjure up. A world where
children were told to piss on the side of the road because they weren't
fit to pee in a white outhouse, where women had to get back alley
abortions and where rape was a joke, unless the alleged criminal was
black, whereupon he was hung from a tree and castrated.
For the better part of a decade, the conservatives made liberal a dirty
word. Well, it isn't. It represents the best and most noble nature of
what America stands for: equitable government services, old age
pensions, health care, education, fair trials and humane imprisonment.
It is the heart and soul of what made American different and better
than other countries. Not only an escape from oppression, but the
opportunity to thrive in land free of tradition and the repression that
can bring. We offered a democracy which didn't enshrine the rich and
made them feel they had an obligation to their workers. Without
liberals, there would be no modern America, just a Nazi satellite
state. Liberals weak on defense? Liberals created America's defense.
The conservatives only need vets at election time."
Posted by flow Frazao on December 3, 2003 at 01:51 PM | Permalink
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