Thursday, 04 December 2003

So many lies, so little time

A couple more lies from the Bush Administration yesterday:

1. First, a pointless lie about a British Airways pilot spotting Air Force One in mid-air:
The Bush administration yesterday changed its story about a British Airways pilot's spotting of Air Force One during the president's stealth trip to Iraq on Thanksgiving Day. The original story held that the airline's pilot had talked to Air Force One and that he kept the secret of President Bush's Thanksgiving Day flight to Baghdad, according to Dan Bartlett, White House communications director, who provided the earlier account. But after British Airways denied such a conversation took place, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said yesterday the airline's pilot never contacted Air Force One.
2. The next lie came during Bush's courageous two and a half hour visit to Baghdad. What do you do when your honored guest picks up the centerpiece and starts parading around?
President Bush holds a platter at Baghdad airport on Thanksgiving. The turkey had been primped to adorn the buffet line, while the 600 soldiers were served from steam trays.

Posted by flow Frazao on December 4, 2003 at 08:27 AM | Permalink


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