Thursday, 06 November 2003
White POW 80%, Black POW 30%
Here's the deal with Jessica Lynch and POW compensation (link)
Shoshana Johnson was captured March 23 near Nasiriya along
with Pfc. Jessica Lynch and three other members of the Army's 507th
Maintenance Company.
Johnson was shot through both ankles in the ambush that led to the
capture of several in her company and was held for 22 days. According
to her family, she's still struggling physically. "She walks awhile,
but she cannot walk long. She then has to put her legs up to take away
the stress. She still has playbacks about being in the war under those
conditions, so she goes through these highs and lows of stress." Lynch
suffered three breaks in her left leg, multiple breaks in her right
foot, a fractured disk in her back, a broken right upper arm and
lacerations on her head, family spokesman Randy Coleman told CNN in
July. She was discharged as a private first class in August.
Johnson's family is upset because Shoshana, who is about to be
discharged from the Army, will get a 30 percent disability benefit,
while the Post reports that Lynch has received an 80 percent disability
The army has given no justification for this discrepancy, which amounts
to $600-$700 a month in payments.
Perhaps if Shoshana looked a little less like this:
And a little more like this:
Then the pay scales might not be quite so unbalanced.
Posted by flow Frazao on November 6, 2003 at 11:37 AM | Permalink
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