Thursday, 02 March 2006

Professional Couch Surfer

Today is Thursday, and by my count I've slept in four different places this week. I started off the week at Chelsa's in The Mission, then I went to Catie and Greg's on Russian Hill for a night. Slept at Premal's in Palo Alto two nights ago, and last night I had a big adventure on Carl's couch involving a cat that kept trying to lick me.

Fiona's been staying with Catie and Greg for the past few nights, but I've been taking part in a code-a-thon with Matt and The Carl. Tonight I'll be staying at Skylar's pad in San Francisco, and I'm looking forward to seeing my wife again.

However, the good news is that we're renting a room! We'll be moving in on Saturday to a place in Bernal Heights. Matt says it's a great spot, and from what I've been reading on the internet it sounds pretty cool. I've also noticed that there's a 100% hit rate between "Bernal Heights" and "Lesbians". Every single article I've read about the area mentions a disproportionate number of lesbians. Why Bernal Heights? Maybe they have a great Home Depot or something. I look forward to finding out.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 2, 2006 at 02:51 PM in America, Me, Moving | Permalink


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