Friday, 24 March 2006

Kiva's Contact Us Emails

We have a web form on the Kiva site where people can submit questions, comments, etc. Every morning I wake up to three or four emails, and they're always a good read. Usually they're either from students asking for internships or they're from existing microfinancing institutions asking about becoming a Kiva partner.

But every now and then we get an impassioned plea from someone in a rough situation. Sadly, we can't really help them because we don't have the means to loan to individuals yet. Maybe someday we'll be able to, but right now it's just not possible.

However, a couple of days ago we received my favorite "Contact Us" email so far:

> Name: sunday.c.egun
> Phone: +23***********
> .................
> Comments: Dear Sir,
> I need a loan.

Concise, direct, and completely without reservation. Sunday C. Egun is my kind of guy.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 24, 2006 at 03:53 PM in Kiva/VEF | Permalink



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