Monday, 02 January 2006

Yet Another Reason Not to Buy A Coldplay CD

Check out the insert from their latest CD:


It's almost as though they don't want you to listen to their album. Fine with me, but my fear is that this type of nonsense may spread to artists that don't suck.

The more I think about it though, the more it seems like the last desperate gasps of a dying music industry. Not a moment too soon, as far as I'm concerned.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 2, 2006 at 04:12 PM in Music, Web/Tech | Permalink


I've actually heard about this with several artists. A friend of mine bought a CD not to long ago - the only "CD player" he has is his computer and it wouldn't work. The fuckers at the local music store he bought it at wouldn't let him return it as their policy is no returns on opened material. So it lays in his apartment. On the one hand it makes sense to me. At the same time, working in an industry with copyright laws, books just get passed from hand to hand and taken out of libraries anyway, and it's not such a big deal. Are musicians more money grubbin? I guess what they are trying to push is that if you're going to use music as mp3's or AAC's, you should download (legally) from the internet. In fact - I can't remember the last time I bought a CD since the only way I really listen to music anymore is on my iPod and through my SoundDock. Luckily there are sites out there that can decrypt the stupid encrytions of iTunes music so you can burn them onto CD's for your friends. And for the record - Coldplay's music doesn't suck so bad. They might suck as people, but their music is pretty damn good. And I am a bit of a music snob.

Posted by: Ali G | Jan 4, 2006 12:05:46 PM

Don't get me wrong - I've got nothing against Coldplay as people or as a band. Their music doesn't really do it for me, but they've certainly sold a lot more albums than I have so I'm sure they weren't crying themselves to sleep after I revealed my opinion to all 10 people who read this site.

I seriously doubt that Coldplay had anything to do with that label. Knowing what I know about their politics, I can imagine what they must have said when the slimy record industry guy told them about it, but what could they do? Artists who are locked into contracts are bought and sold by the labels and they have little to no say in how their music is marketed.

Which, as you may or may not have been hearing, is why more and more artists are walking away from the antiquated 20th century model and embracing new methods of distribution like the internet and such.

Seriously though, you have to admit that last album (X&Y) was pretty weak.

Posted by: smooveJ | Jan 4, 2006 5:44:57 PM

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