Wednesday, 04 January 2006
Weird Earls
I am the Duke of URL:
- If you haven't watched David Letterman make a fool of Bill O'Reilly, then you're really ought to get your schadenfreude on.
- A long list of buzzwords compiled by a consultant over a few days work at a "local big-box retailer". I wish I could say this were a comprehensive list, but after three years of working in DC I can say for certain that this is but a drop in the bucket.
- Netgear Inc. and Skype plan to introduce the first wireless mobile telephone for Skype.
- Ariel Sharon reportedly alive after surgery. Report that he's actually dead after all is expected in 45 minutes.
Posted by flow Frazao on January 4, 2006 at 06:37 PM in Weird Earls | Permalink
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