Tuesday, 03 January 2006

Please God, No

Kerry Positioned for '08 White House Bid:

The Massachusetts Democrat, defeated by Bush in 2004, insists it is far too early to talk about the 2008 race, but some analysts assume he has already positioning himself for another shot at the White House. "Obviously, Kerry has all but said he wants another crack at the thing," said Neal Thigpen, a political science professor at South Carolina's Francis Marion University. "He's going to make a second try."

The only way I could possibly imagine this even coming close to being a good idea would be if Kerry were to completely change every single aspect of his personality and strategy. Perhaps he can undergo some sort of combination face/brain/testicle replacement procedure and then we can take Kerry 2.0 for a test drive. At the very least it would be more exciting than watching Frankenstein in a "debate" all over again.

I think this GOP strategist sums up the situation thoroughly:

"He believes in his heart and soul that he came just a whisker away from being president," said Ronald Kaufman, a veteran GOP operative with Massachusetts roots. Kerry's image as a Northeast liberal with fuzzy views on major issues like Iraq would make him vulnerable once more, said Kaufman, who was White House political director for Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush.

"I go to bed every night praying Kerry is the nominee again," he said.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 3, 2006 at 03:36 PM in America, Current Affairs, US News | Permalink


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