Sunday, 08 January 2006

Kiva Laptop Drive Update

A friend of mine pledged another laptop yesterday, bringing the total up to:

  • 5 laptops
  • 2 digital cameras

Recently, Kiva has been written about in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ link behind subscription wall, but the link is a reprint via another paper), and The Village Voice.

Do you own a used laptop or digital camera that you can donate to a phenomenal cause? Kiva needs both Internet capable laptop computers as well as digital cameras to support their mission on the delivery side. Please investigate your personal inventory of aging computers and digital cameras. If you have something you can donate leave a comment and we'll take it from there. Kiva will provide you with receipts for the equipment so that you donate. If you do not have anything in your own inventory, please pass word to someone you know who might. We hope to raise between 10 and 20 used laptops and cameras over the next month.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 8, 2006 at 11:29 AM in Kiva/VEF | Permalink


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