Thursday, 26 January 2006
I've Been to Hell I Spell It, I Spell It D-M-V
I'm sitting here at the DMV waiting for Fiona to finish her driver's test (she's finally going for a US license), and I'm really enjoying the show. As I look around I see a very diverse group of people, and I would bet that these particular people will never be in the same room again. This is a shame - just imagine what spirited conversations could transpire between the obese Arab to my left and the mulletudinous meth-head to my right. Not that I'm going to invite them back to my house or anything. I'm just saying.
Fiona just finished her written test and she's in a state of disbelief as to how easy it was compared to its Australian counterpart. I tried explaining that while in Australia driving might be considered a privilege, here in the US it's a basic human right. Judging by her scoff, I can only assume she hates freedom. I'll be reporting her for reeducation when we get home.
Update: I'm pleased to report that Fiona passed her exam! She now sports a classy Connecticut driver's license with a sweeeeet hologram that you're all so jealous of. Yeah you wish you were from Connecticut, punk.
Posted by flow Frazao on January 26, 2006 at 06:03 PM in America, Little Stories, Me | Permalink
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