Saturday, 30 April 2005
Thai Patriotism
One thing that's surprising about Thailand is the level of patriotism exhibited here. Being an American, you'd think I'd be used to it, but it's much different around these parts. It's not the flag-waving, fist-pumping "love it or leave it" variety like we have back home. It's more of a quiet respect for King and country.
For example, every day at 8 AM and 5 PM the national anthem is broadcast in every public place in Thailand. No matter what's going on or how much of a hurry everybody's in, every single person stops whatever they're doing and stands there until it's over. Yesterday Fiona and I were bustling our way through a Skytrain terminal during morning rush hour, when all of a sudden music started coming over the crackling speakers. For about a minute, we watched as people came to a halt in mid-stride. No one spoke, and the only thing that moved was paper blowing in the wind. It was surreal, to say the least.
Then, last night we went to see The Interpreter in Siam Square. At the beginning of the movie, the National Anthem came on along with a film clip of breathtaking scenery shot all over Thailand. Again, every single person stood up, listened and watched while images of the King and his country flashed across the screen.
Posted by flow Frazao on April 30, 2005 at 05:01 AM in Southeast Asia | Permalink
hey guys, I just had an awesome phone convo with our boy ted. He's moving to Japan to teach in about a week, so I hope you guys can hook up some how while you are over there. In other news, my stepsister just moved to beijing, and my dad offered to fly me over there, so I'm hoping to take a month off at some point and hit japan and china, I will keep you posted on that. All the best.
Posted by: Brett | May 21, 2005 9:45:03 PM
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