Monday, 11 April 2005

Ready for Takeoff

We picked up our passports from the Thai embassy today, so everything is ready to go. I've sorted through my clothes, and I'm down to four t-shirts and two pairs of shorts. Lean and mean - that's my motto when I'm backpacking.

Fiona, on the other hand, was going through a bit of a crisis when she saw me getting rid of old standbys like my Atari shirt and my "George Bush is a big fat fucking dick so fuck him right in his fucking ear" shirt. We compromised and decided to send some of my stuff home instead of donating it to the Salvation Army (the Bush shirt went to our Dutch/Aussie friend Joost though).

Today was also our last day in Melbourne. Kind of sad, but that's the way it's got to be. I'm a little bit worried though because I seem to have hurt my foot somehow. I'm not sure what I did, but by the end of the day I was limping around the city like a gimped-out version of my usually strapping and robust self.

Hopefully it will magically heal itself in the night and I won't have to deal with it in Bangkok. Time will tell, I suppose.

The only thing left to do now is get travel insurance for all our ridiculously expensive crap. It's going to cost us a bundle of money to insure this computer and our various cameras and such, but it's worth it if only for the peace of mind. The less you have to worry about, the less time you have to spend worrying. Or something. Give me a break - I'm tired.

So that's that. Glenys is taking tomorrow and Wednesday off to spend time with us. I'm not sure if we'll be doing anything. A couple of relaxing days sitting around drinking tea and eating Tim-Tams would be just about right. But you never know around here. We could just as easily find ourselves whisked off to some remote mountain top or some secret, secluded beach.

Posted by flow Frazao on April 11, 2005 at 09:29 AM in Australia | Permalink


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