Monday, 21 March 2005

Looking Forward

The airshow is over. I'm glad I did it - I learned a lot about planes and more importantly I learned that I absolutely do NOT want to be a professional photographer. Watching those clowns crowd together at the edge of the media pit elbowing each other out of the way was pathetic. I can't imagine there's much joy left in photography when you have to scratch and claw just to get a shot of an F-16.

Fiona's also done with work, so we're trying to figure out exactly what our next move will be. We're looking at leaving Geelong around the 13th of April or so and heading up to Sydney for a week. After that it's on to Southeast Asia where we'll take a TEFL certification class in Phuket, Thailand. That'll give us around two and a half months in SE Asia before we have to be in LA for my family reunion in July.

Originally I was planning on doing a dive at the Great Barrier Reef, but I don't think it's going to happen this time around. One reason is that it would wind up costing around $1000 when you factor in plane fare up to Cairns and back, and another is that I don't think I'd appreciate it properly. The truth is, I've been in Australia for almost four months now and I'm ready to leave. If I'm going to do something like dive the greatest reef in the world, I want to be able to appreciate it fully - I don't want to spend my time itching to get it over with.

We're going to buy our plane tickets today, so in a few hours I'll have a much better idea of what's going on. It's pretty exciting - today we'll make a decision that will affect the next four months (at least). Will we fly into Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, or somewhere else? Exciting stuff.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 21, 2005 at 05:00 PM in Travel | Permalink


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