Thursday, 10 March 2005

I Waste Time So You Don't Have To

  • 10x10 / 100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time / by Jonathan J. Harris.
    10x10™ ('ten by ten') is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. The result is an often moving, sometimes shocking, occasionally frivolous, but always fitting snapshot of our world. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. Over the course of days, months, and years, 10x10 leaves a trail of these hourly statements which, stitched together side by side, form a continuous patchwork tapestry of human life.

  • The most brilliant web comic ever invented. The best part is that there's something to offend everyone, so laff it up you pansyassed liberal bitches.

    Oh, and if there are any self-important software engineering types reading this then go read Q.A. Confidential. This guy knows exactly what's up with the Revolutionary Tech Industry of Tomorrowland.

  • Here's a gallery of albinos.

  • And finally, this is my contribution to humanity for today - a link to

    VolunteerMatch can connect your good intentions with nonprofit organizations that can use your help. Civic, social, educational, governmental, religious, and political groups list their needs on the site to create a vast database of volunteering activities around the U.S. Just enter your ZIP code to search for volunteer opportunities in your neighborhood. You can sort the results by date, distance, duration, or newness to find the right activity for you.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 10, 2005 at 05:45 AM in Weird Earls | Permalink


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