Saturday, 26 March 2005

Going, Going...

We got our plane tickets yesterday! We'll be leaving Melbourne and flying into Bangkok on April 14, where we'll spend a few days organizing an apartment for the month of May (while we take the CELTA course). When we get that sorted we'll take off for a tropical island somewhere and relax for a few weeks. Then it's Bangkok until the end of May.

After the course we'll travel around Southeast Asia for about six weeks. Like anywhere else, the region is in a state of constant change. When I was there in 2002 you could walk down the streets of major Laotian cities and people would come running out of their houses to check out the white guy. That's probably not the case now, but I'm sure there are still pockets where tourists are the exception rather than the norm. Obviously, this is where we want to be.

We'll leave SE Asia on July 10 and fly to Osaka, Japan where we'll hang out for a week before going to LA for my family reunion in Laguna Beach. After that I have no idea where we'll go, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

The past few months in Australia have been important. Spending time with Fiona's family has shown me a part of my wife that I would otherwise have never understood, and our relationship is deeper and stronger because of it. But it's definitely time to move on. For me, the worst thing in the world is stagnation. Too much time in one place with nothing to do makes Jeremy a dull boy.

I can't wait to be travelling again. There is no way to describe the feeling of standing in a marketplace and being attacked by a barrage of foreign sounds, colors, and people. It inspires a level of existence that causes every molecule of your body vibrate with excitement, and now that I've felt it plain old Brownian motion simply will not do. I need the full-on rush that comes with sitting on an overcrowded bus with somebody's chicken squawking between your legs as you go careening across the countryside.

I can just smell it now...

Posted by flow Frazao on March 26, 2005 at 08:30 PM in Travel | Permalink


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