Sunday, 02 January 2005
The Crack Tax
I might be in Australia, but thanks to the internet I can still keep up with every retarded development in US News. Tennessee has introduced a new revenue stream which begs the question, "Is the Knoxville legislature on drugs?"
"The way this is set up, once anyone comes into possession of an illegal substance, they have 48 hours to purchase a stamp," said Al Laney, the department's director of tax enforcement.
The taxpayer needs only to say what sort of illegal substance he or she possesses and how much, then pay the appropriate amount of money - $50 per gram for cocaine, for example. The person need not give a name and the law provides that purchase of the stamp will be kept confidential and forbids revenue officials from asking any questions.
"We are serious about this, and we do not want the public to take this as a frivolous undertaking," Laney said.
The proposal was nicknamed "the crack tax" by the sponsors, who say the new levy will provide much-needed money for law enforcement efforts.
Does this mean that Tennessee expects to see a line in this year's budget for illegal drug taxes? And if so, does it mean that the state is counting on people to go out and buy things like crack and marijuana in order to maintain that revenue stream?
And also, how stupid are the drug users in Tennessee? Are they really going to go down to the Tax Office and buy $50 worth of "I've got drugs" stamps?
Posted by flow Frazao on January 2, 2005 at 04:37 AM in US News | Permalink
I've been to Tennessee, and I strongly suspect that TN drug users are that stupid.
Posted by: tom | Jan 2, 2005 4:48:50 AM
i live in tn and i almost bet someone will do this. lol
Posted by: Progenesis | Jan 12, 2005 8:53:20 AM
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