Wednesday, 26 January 2005

Tennis, Anyone?

As most of you know, I could give a rat's ass about sports. However, I'm currently travelling with an East German guy and his French girlfriend and they're both into tennis. Apparently, one of the biggest tournaments in the tennis world is going on right now in Melbourne, and the number 3 seed is this guy named Paul Hewitt who's from Adelaide.

We've been watching this guy off and on for the past week, and he's won all of his matches. Last night he played the semi-final game against an Argentinian, and we watched the game in Adelaide. Obviously, the locals were totally flipping out, because not only is Hewitt their boy but it was also Australia Day yesterday:

If he were a boxer, someone in his corner might have tossed in the towel. But Lleyton Hewitt simply refuses to surrender. He is a different kind of fighter. And late last night, after an extraordinary contest, he defied injury and a relentless opponent to keep an Australian in the Open.

Watching this guy win in his hometown was pretty cool. There's this cheer in Australia that they do when they're feeling patriotic and drunk that goes "Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!" and then another group of them will reply with "Oy Oy Oy!!!". They did this with every single point that Hewitt took, and in a four hour match that is a shitload of Oy's.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 26, 2005 at 08:36 PM in Australia, Sports | Permalink


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