Thursday, 06 January 2005

Return From Buffalo

Once again, we brought the bad weather with us to Mt. Buffalo. The day before we arrived, Angie had been swimming in the lake. The next day, we were bundled up by the fire while the rain poured down on the tin roof of the Butt Hut.

As much as rain does suck while you're camping, there's nothing like waking up in the middle of a forest covered in thick fog. It's eeiry and beautiful, and when you combine it with the minty, eucalyptus smell of the Australian bush you get an experience unlike any other.

I have more pictures to upload, so I'll post them as soon as I can. Until then, here's what's been happening since I've been away:

  • Former South African president Nelson Mandela reveals that his son Makgatho has died of AIDS.

  • Kyle Van Horn sent a camera via USPS with a message on it asking the postal workers en route to take photos with it.

  • Torture advocate Alberto Gonzales eagerly awaits his appointment to Attorney General.

  • And the big news in Oz today is that the Australian government has pledged an historic $1 billion aid package to the tsunami disaster. That's almost as much as George Bush spent to get reelected.

  • Finally, try typing "How much did George Bush spend to get reelected?" into Google. Their "Did you mean" suggestion is spot-on.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 6, 2005 at 07:10 PM in Australia | Permalink


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