Tuesday, 30 November 2004

Still Packing

I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow. We've been in West Hartford for three months and it feels like maybe three weeks. Funny how the time goes away.

It looks like we're pretty much all packed up now though. At least, all of our stuff has been thrown into a pile on the dining room floor. Two backpacks, two daypacks and a suitcase. That's not bad, is it? Especially considering we'll be leaving a ton of stuff in Australia.

So here's the schedule so far:

  • Dec. 1 - Depart Hartford for LA. Chill with Koh Phan Ngan Andre and my family. Celebrate Fiona's birthday on Dec. 5.

  • Dec. 7 - Depart LA for Fiji. Free eight day stopover in Fiji. Fucking sweet.

  • Dec. 17 - Depart Fiji for Melbourne. Arrive in Melbourne, slather on some sunscreen and throw some shrimp on the barbi for a Xmas cookout. Ever celebrate Christmas on the beach? You should give it a shot sometime. It's weird as hell.

So that's pretty much the plan. At least, as much as I can remember given my current state of mind.

Oh, and for what it's worth, when my Grandma left this morning for the airport it was SNOWING. Hard to believe a week from now we'll be drinking kava on a tropical beach in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Finally, I posted some pictures from Thanksgiving here. Enjoy.

Posted by flow Frazao on November 30, 2004 at 05:12 PM in Moving | Permalink


Is Allen sitting on your lap? And why are you both smiling? And what is your father doing to your mother? We do have fun together!
Enjoy every minute of your journey. I'll probably email some questions from my kids. We love you.

Posted by: Jeanie | Nov 30, 2004 10:12:59 PM

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