Tuesday, 16 November 2004

I'm Back

As you may or may not have noticed, I took some time off after the election.  I didn't stop reading the news entirely, but I cut way back, and obviously I stopped blogging entirely.

It was nice.

I spent time with my family, went for a few long runs, and did some other stuff which I can't seem to remember now.  Most importantly though, I stopped making myself crazy over stuff I have absolutely no control over.

Anyhow, the short of it is that this blog is now about to undergo some changes.  For the past few years, Fiona and I have been planning on doing some travelling, and I put this site together so that we'd be able to keep in touch with people while we're gone.  I've been using it to spew propaganda, but soon it's going to become a collosal egotistical exercise.  A veritable shrine to yours truly.

I offer you the following pictures as a thank-you for all your comments, emails and whatnot over the past few months:

Finally, Fiona and I would like to wish each and every one of you a belated Happy Halloween:

Posted by SmooveJ Zao on November 16, 2004 at 12:34 AM in Travel | Permalink


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