Wednesday, 17 November 2004


I finally got around to pushing up some pictures from Halloween.  Better late than never, right?

It was a splendid night of drunken debauchery, and it was painful sorting through the pictures.  Some of them were downright unpublishable.  Well, they're certainly publishable on some sites, but not this one.

For those of you who use Typepad to host your blogs, I came across a great script called iPhoto2Typepad.  It allows you to build an album in iPhoto, add titles and comments to each photo, and then push up the entire album to a photo album in Typepad.  It's cool as hell, and it's especially great because it allows you to circumvent the Typepad "feature" of not being able to explicitly dictate the order of your photos.  You just arrange them in iPhoto according to your pleasure, click "Export", and WHAMMO!  There it is up on the internets.

Posted by flow Frazao on November 17, 2004 at 11:43 PM in Photos | Permalink


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