Wednesday, 03 November 2004

And So It Goes

What America wants, America gets.

Posted by flow Frazao on November 3, 2004 at 12:42 PM in Scary Bush | Permalink


today was a sad day for me i woke up and bush was elected president.i thought the american people were smarter than putting a dangerous man like bush back in power.he has 4 more years to do dammage.i fear for our ecco system as well as our financial situation.too many people are out of work and struggling to make a living.some people have even lost there homes because of lack of employment. i wondr is bush going to create jobs or send them over seas.our country is in the worst shape it has ever been in.what do you think he will do now.i think america is going to regret this decision putting this man back in power.the rich wont have a hard time surviving you can bet your ass on that.i wish bush could be in some of our shoes for awile,or even try to make an honest living to feed our familys.i hope God is with us . bush says he is a religeous man i think his only religeon is power and money.i may be wrong but i dont think so.most people wanted kerry bacause they were against bush.myself included. only time will tell.

Posted by: kathy wolard | Nov 3, 2004 10:26:30 PM

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