Friday, 15 October 2004
OK Seriously - What Is That Thing?
First of all, I'm not of the opinion that W was wearing an earpiece during the debates. His inarticulate performance made that fairly obvious. But he's definitely been wearing something:
The White House can continue to pretend the problem isn't there (a strategy they've been employing regularly for the past four years), or they can address the issue. What the fuck is that thing?
If I had to guess, I'd say that he's probably wearing a medical device. Perhaps something like this:
Patients with a high, long-term risk of SCA are often candidates for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), but this option is also expensive (up to $65,000) and requires surgery.
The LifeVest fills the therapeutic gap between hospitalization and an ICD. The LifeVest has the same important characteristics of both an ICU/CCU and the ICD; it continuously monitors the heart and is designed to provide prompt defibrillation when needed.
If this is what he's wearing, the question immediately becomes "Why does the President need to wear it?" Does the President have some sort of medical condition of which the American people should be made aware?
I blog, you decide.
(Photos via Kevin Drum, many more photos here)
Posted by flow Frazao on October 15, 2004 at 05:13 PM in Scary Bush | Permalink
I don't think he was wearing anything at all. I think it is just his Demon-wing stubs from were he had them removed before he became a public figure. His wings are proabaly trying to regenerate since he has been gaining so much energy from all the Evil he has been commiting and souls that he has been collecting from the dead in Iraq.
Posted by: Calabane | Oct 18, 2004 11:00:09 AM
Perhaps it is a bulletproof vest?????????
Posted by: tiffany | Feb 18, 2006 4:16:16 AM
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