Thursday, 07 October 2004

Off The Deep End

As Gale points out in a comment on another post, it's really starting to look like the Bush/Cheney supporters are starting to lose it:

A supporter of President Bush took on a group of chanting John Kerry boosters on Greensburg's busy Main Street this afternoon.

At lunchtime, 13 Kerry supporters gathered in front of the Westmoreland County Court House to bang a drum, chant slogans and exchange banter, thumbs-ups, and other hand signals with passersby.

Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters is directly across Main Street. The people inside closed the windows and lowered the blinds.

A little after noon a fiftyish man ran out the front door of the building housing the GOP offices, crossed the four-lane Main Street, and grabbed Lainie Maloy's big blue Kerry banner.

"He was screaming like a lunatic, obscenities mostly," the Greensburg woman said, her peace-sign earrings swinging.

"He told us he hopes al Qaida kills us all," said Thor Strong [best name ever --J]. "He grabbed the banner and took off back across the road, dragging [Maloy] with him."

Maloy said she couldn't let the man make off with her banner.

"He pulled me right out into the traffic," she said. "Then he finally let go and ran away, back into the Republican building over there."

Hesiod calls it - "I guess that's why he's a Bush supporter. He wants Al Qaeda to kill even more Americans."

Posted by flow Frazao on October 7, 2004 at 06:12 PM in ReDefeat Bush | Permalink


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