Sunday, 03 October 2004
Jeff's Funeral
I just got back from my friend's funeral. Even after a whole day of hearing people talk about Jeff and seeing everyone dressed in black it still doesn't seem real. Every time I check my email I expect to see something from him.
I've known the kid for almost 25 years. Pretty much my whole life. I don't even know why I'm writing this entry, really. I'm too exhausted to even think straight, much less write.
All I'll say for now is this - should you ever find yourself at a funeral service where they ask if anyone would like to say a few words about the deceased, think about it. If even the tiniest part of you wants to say something then you ought to speak up. I didn't, and now I'll never get another chance.
Posted by flow Frazao on October 3, 2004 at 10:05 PM in Family | Permalink
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