Wednesday, 20 October 2004

I've Got A Fever, And The Only Cure Is MORE POLLS

With all the breathless "reporting" going on all over the mainstream media, it's hard not to get caught up in all the poll numbers. Bush is ahead by one!! Kerry's up by two!! Eight percent of Nader supporters are voting Nader!! Oh how the media whores love a good, tight race.

The only problem is that the pollsters don't know shit. Remember this?

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean has pulled away from the field in the Democratic Presidential nomination race: his support among Democratic primary voters nationwide has risen in the past month, and held steady after the news of Saddam Hussein's capture.


Dean has the backing of 23 percent of likely primary voters, the same as he did in the days just prior to Saddam's capture, and up from 14 percent in November. His nearest rivals today are Wesley Clark and Joe Lieberman, both at 10 percent.

Way to go, guys. Why did we even bother having primaries?

And here's another blast from the past. On October 26, 2000, Gallup reported that Bush was ahead of Gore by 13 percent among likely voters. We all know how that one turned out. Great job, media whores! A bright, shiny gold medal for the Americans in the Media Special Olympics.

My point, of course, is that these assholes don't know shit. They never have, and they never will. The only poll that matters is the one they're going to take on November 2nd, so until then all you media whores can go get fucked.

In honor of said assholes, I hereby announce SmooveJ's Official Daily Poll. Wolf Blitzer, eat your heart out.

P.S. - Let me know if you have any problems with pop-ups or anything. If this poll nonsense is too annoying I'll pull it down with a right quickness.

Posted by flow Frazao on October 20, 2004 at 05:35 PM in TTSU Maintenance | Permalink


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