Wednesday, 13 October 2004

Debate Three

9:09 - Regarding Osama Bin Laden:

"I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him."[President Bush, Press Conference, 3/13/02]

9:16 - OK, am I going crazy here? Why is George Bush so pink? What's the deal? Is this some kind of subliminal attempt to sway the communist vote? I thought it was just a C-Span thing, but I just flipped over to NBC and he's still redder than my Portuguese scrotum.

9:29 - Great answer by Kerry on the nature of homosexuality and gay marriage. I disagree with him on the whole "marriage is between a man and a woman" thing, but at least he doesn't want to change the goddamn constitution for it.

9:31 - Wow. Kerry just made a relevant Bible quote. I'd like to see Bush top that. And "an eye for an eye" doesn't count.

9:35 - What? The medical industry doesn't use "electronic medical records"? That's funny, because I seem to remember seeing a couple of computers last time I vistited the doctor's office.

9:50 - I'm sorry, did Mr. Pink just say that most of his tax cuts went to lower and middle income Americans? That's funny, because I seem to remember most of his tax cuts going to googlimoogliilionaires. Maybe it was just me.

9:59 - Mitch McConnell's minimum wage plan (you know, the one Bush said he supported) would have raised the minimum wage to $6.25. Big fucking deal. That's like handing a squirt gun to a guy who's clothes are on fire.

10:13 - Bush keeps going on about Pell Grants, but as Kos points out, he's not exactly a huge proponent of them:

"The Administration has frozen the maximum Pell Grant available to students at $4,050, despite the President's campaign pledge in 2000 to increase the award to $5,100. The program freeze comes at the same time "state colleges and universities in every region of the country are preparing to impose this fall their steepest tuition and fee increases in a decade." Because of the Administration's budget, "most students won't get any more help than they receive now" – at the same time the White House has proposed a rule change that would cut off 84,000 students from receiving college aid."

10:19 - "Love thy neighbor as thy love thyself, and we have a lot more loving of our neighbor to do." - JK

I would have to say that this was the best performance so far by George Bush. Obviously, I think Kerry was far more lucid and presidential, but it's been a very long time since I've been capable of forming an objective opinion.

My real feeling, however, is that none of it really matters at all. The election is still more than three weeks away, and in the 21st century that's more than 10,000 news cycles. By the time we cast our ballots these heady days of timber companies and hydrogen generated automobiles will seem like distant memories.

Four years ago I wasn't really attuned to the political scene. I wonder if the presidential debates were still centered around who "won" and who "lost". It seems so bizarre to try to distill 90 minutes worth of back and forth into such a one-dimensional result. Were things always so weird?


Posted by flow Frazao on October 13, 2004 at 09:12 PM in ReDefeat Bush | Permalink


i am a googlimoogliilionaire, and i did not recieve a tax cut. why do you hate america?

Posted by: mel | Oct 13, 2004 11:58:20 PM

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