Saturday, 25 September 2004
Is Your Name Michael Diamond?
The Beastie Boys are back, and they're coming to a town near you:
"We should make it clear that this is not a concert tour, so much as a traveling pageant," says MCA, a.k.a. Adam Yauch. "We tried to gather feedback about the kinds of things that children are into and what came back to us was a pageant, repeatedly."
For the uninitiated, a pageant is a spectacular, colorful display or celebration.
"It involves certain kinds of dress, certain kinds of festivities, celebrations, feasts or food. I'd like to emphasize the feasts, if I might," Yauch says. "You don't just nosh, you feast, you don't just throw on some clothes, you get dressed, and these are the differentiations."
Posted by flow Frazao on September 25, 2004 at 09:31 PM in Music | Permalink
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