Wednesday, 18 August 2004

We Should Try This Here

Voting is compulsory in Australia. You can, however, avoid voting if you have a "valid and sufficient" reason:

In the 1926 Judd v McKeon case, Mr Judd provided the following reason for not voting at a Senate election:
All the political parties and their candidates participating in the election support and do all in their power to perpetuate capitalism with its exploitation of the working class, unemployment, prostitution, etc. The Socialist Labour Party, of which I am a member, stands for the ending of capitalism and the inauguration of socialism - and, consequently, its members are prohibited from voting for the aforementioned supporters of capitalism. The Socialist Labour Party has paid and lost hundreds of pounds in Federal election deposits for its candidates. The unjust penalty of 25 pounds on each candidate penalizes us if we participate in a Federal election, and your letter suggests that we will be penalized if we don't. Is this fair?
Mr Judd was convicted in the Central Police Court in Sydney and fined ten shillings.

In another case, a Mr. Little refused to vote because he had no preference among the candidates. The courts ruled that "subjective incapacity on the part of the voter to determine that he prefers one candidate in an election to another" was not a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote.

Posted by flow Frazao on August 18, 2004 at 02:00 PM in ReDefeat Bush | Permalink


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