Friday, 20 August 2004

Unknown Object Hovering In St. Paul Sky


There's an unknown object hovering in the sky over the Twin Cities, and it doesn't appear to be a bird or a plane.

Meteorologist Tony Zaleski of the National Weather Service in Chanhassen says the white object appears to be higher than the white, whispy cirrus clouds, which means it's probably higher than 30,000 feet.

Although the object looked like it might be rotating, it doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Zaleski says that probably would rule out a satellite.

Patrick Hogan at the Metropolitan Airports Commission says folks in the tower at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport thought it might be a weather balloon. But Zaleski says if that's true, the Weather Service didn't release it.

The Federal Aviation Administration hasn't returned calls about the mysterious object.

Sweet Jeebus, what are we going to do?? If only we had a secret bunker of some kind.

Posted by flow Frazao on August 20, 2004 at 12:00 PM in Random News | Permalink


vqorexnie dezdgagzb.

Posted by: Goughe | Dec 21, 2004 5:28:20 PM

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