Thursday, 19 August 2004

Making The Switch

I finally made the leap.

First I'm going to admit that I've been working on PCs for my whole life. I am a certified genius when it comes to fixing and maintaining Windows based computers. However, I've gotten rather bored with spending two to three hours a week screwing around with windows updates, device drivers, and virus patches.

Now, as most of you probably know, Fiona and I are planning on leaving the country in a few months to do some more travelling. We both have a fair number of projects going on right now, so it seemed logical to bring a computer with us.

When I started looking for laptops, reliability was (and is) my major concern. I've had my fair share of Dells, and they've been hit or miss. I have a desktop that's been pretty dependable, but my Dell laptop is a total piece of shit. I've had the keyboard break, the power cord tear, the motherboard fry and the screen go dark.

I've also had a couple of Sony Vaios that sucked balls. They looked cool, but when you turned them on it was about 50-50 whether or not they'd actually complete the bootup sequence.

Obviously, I don't want to have to deal with that type of nonsense when I'm in the middle of some Cambodian jungle. I need a computer that works.

So I've bought an Mac.

I can't wait to get it. For the first time in years I'm actually excited about using a computer. And who wouldn't be with specs like these:

Wait. My mistake. Wrong computer. That's actually the first Apple ever sold (for the low, if ominous, price of $666.66).

Unlike the Apple I, my computer actually comes with a case and everything. They've also increased the RAM from 8K to 256MB. Stop and think about that for a minute. According to my calculations, in 30 years the power of computers has increased by approximately 90 quinzillion times. If the auto industry were to make a similar leap you'd be able to drive a Hummer from New York City to Alpha Centauri on less than one molecule of gas.

In case you're interested, here's the one I'm getting:

12" Powerbook G4

Posted by flow Frazao on August 19, 2004 at 01:48 PM in Cool Stuff | Permalink


I'm so proud of you man. I really think you are gonna love this thing.

Posted by: Max | Aug 21, 2004 12:10:28 AM

It will rock your world and you'll never want a PC again. Especially Panther.

Posted by: Alison | Aug 27, 2004 4:48:30 PM

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