Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Colin Powell Can't Be Bothered To Travel
In a striking testament to the Bush Administration's contempt for foreign relations, MSNBC reports that Colin Powell is the least traveled secretary of state in 30 years:
Powell also has significantly shorter trips than any predecessor -- an average of 3.3 days. He rushes through meetings in conference rooms and foreign ministries and spends virtually no time sightseeing.
In 3 1/2 years, his only nonbusiness moments have been 15 minutes in a Nepalese temple in 2002 and a couple of hours at the ancient ruins of Petra during a three-day trip to Jordan in 2003. In capitals abroad, it has become his custom to apologize for the brevity of his visit and express the hope he can stay longer next time.
In fact, Powell has progressively cut the average length of his trips, from 4.6 days in 2001 to 2.9 days this year. Kissinger's trips lasted an average of 8.7 days, while most other recent secretaries averaged about five days."
I really shouldn't be surprised that our so-called leaders express such embarrassingly little curiousity about our world. Whereas I would jump at the chance to represent America in Nepal or Jordan or any other of the dozen countries Powell has rushed through, I am among a small minority of Americans.
Astonishingly, less than 20% of Americans currently have a valid passport. Given that, I suppose Powell's lack of interest in the world around us simply mirrors our own.
Posted by flow Frazao on July 14, 2004 at 08:25 AM in US News | Permalink
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