Tuesday, 20 July 2004

In Case You Needed Another Reason Not To Eat At KFC

Here's the latest development in the "Fast Food Is Really Really Bad" saga:

"An animal rights group involved in a long legal dispute with Kentucky Fried Chicken about the treatment of the 700 million chickens it buys each year is to release a videotape today showing slaughterhouse workers for one supplier jumping up and down on live chickens, drop-kicking them like footballs and slamming them into walls, apparently for fun.


The undercover investigator, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared retaliation and still does undercover work for the group, said in a telephone interview that he saw "hundreds" of acts of cruelty, including workers tearing beaks off, ripping a bird's head off to write graffiti in blood, spitting tobacco juice into birds' mouths, plucking feathers to "make it snow," suffocating a chicken by tying a latex glove over its head, and squeezing birds like water balloons to spray feces over other birds.

He said the behavior was "to alleviate boredom or vent frustrations," especially when so many birds were coming in that they would have to work late.

On April 6, one day he filmed, workers made a game of throwing chickens against a wall; 114 were thrown in seven minutes. A supervisor walking past the pile of birds on the floor said, "Hold your fire," and, once out of the way, told the crew to "carry on."

On another day, he said, the supervisor told the crew to kill correctly because inspectors were visiting."

It also bears mentioning that Pilgrim's Pride plant in Moorefield, W.Va., the chicken factory at which the tape was shot, won KFC's "Supplier of the Year" award in 1997.

To pretend that these types of violations are the result of "a few bad apples" would be absurd. The American food industry is rife with these types of violations.

It's disgusting and disturbing, and sadly we (myself included) condone it with every bite. I've been doing my best to eat vegetarian, but it's a struggle most days.

Articles like this, however, make it that much easier.

Posted by flow Frazao on July 20, 2004 at 03:41 PM in US News | Permalink


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